Thursday, October 21, 2010

I so love creating memory trunks.  This was my second wedding trunk I created.  The first one was in a class in the Lakeland Miniature Show.  This was done for my online bridal showcase.  I loved creating this doll in her contemporary gown with a full lace bodice.  her memory trunk is full of little wedding notions like her grandmothers lace veil, picture of her mother and father on their wedding day, love letter from her fiance' as he was stationed overseas during his military career.  It also has a money purse, shoes, dried flowers, and other items that she has kept dear to her heart in her short lifetime. 

To the right is my Romeo and Juliet.  I loved creating these famous personalities for a museum that highlights miniature creations each year from MSATMINIDOLLS online group every year.  I feel honored to be a part of this project for the 2nd year in a row.  Hopefully I can continue my contributions to enhance the art of miniatures being showcased in this manner.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Life in Miniature

In the following pages you will be able to see my thoughts come to life in miniature.  I guess you would say I am a person of action.  I see something, either in my mind, in a picture, or in a dream, that I would love to have in real life but circumstances just do not allow it, so I create it in miniature.  I mostly create dolls in miniature but at certain times I have been known to create scenes, doll houses, room boxes, diaramma's, 3 dimensional pictures, and other little creations that tend to give me a small amount of self satisfaction for creating something that I would love to have in real life.